First is Lex Luthor. The greatest criminal mind of our time
in his box, Luthor already looks pretty cool. He's packaged the same way all the other DC Superhero toys have been. Orange box, comic book, ect.
Out of his box, he looks ready to terrorize Metropolis with his laser pistol and Kryptonite *Which I discovered actually fits in the pistol. Nice little touch there*
I get the feeling though, 20 years from now, if your Luthor still has it's Kryptonite, it'll proboly be worth some decent money. It's a tiny accesory and easy to lose.
The figure itself is beautifully sculpted. His face looks very menacing as any Lex Luthor figure should, and the details on his suit are excellent. It's by far better than DC Direct's version in my humble opinion.
you were good in your time Superman, but when it was time to cash in your chips, you never thought this... deseased maniac would be your banker. Yes, I know. I'm a geek and it'll be a while 'till I get laid -_-;
Next up is that ol' badass ruler of Apocolypse himself, DARKSIED!! I personally have always had trouble taking him seriously because the first time I saw him, was in an issue of Ambush Bug where he just gets deflated in the end. But, on with the toy
Darksied is one imposing son of a bitch! His body is very detailed and looks as to be made of rock.
He's also a BIG toy. Not as big as DC Directs, but personally I think that's a good thing.
Darksied comes with only one accessory. Some strange remote control. It either controls some powerful Doomsday weapon, or they've got some pretty funky TVs over at Apocolypse.
There you have it. Two awesome toys. Kinda hard to find ut definetly worth the search.