To commemorate this era, (and because history seems to be repeating itself) Hasbro has released an authentic replica of the original 1970s land adventurer GI Joe. The catch, you gotta find yourself a Hot Topic store because this was exclusive only to Hot Topic. Well, actually. I didn't go to the store, I ordered mine at
Once we got it out of THIS box, there was, you guessed it...
ANOTHER BOX!! This one however is done in the style of the original box from the 70s and is every much as part of the set as the toy itself.
Here's a better look of the box. A rather spitting image of the original i'd say.
'cept for the disclaimer on the box that these extra sets are for "historical depiction" so they aren't available. Pitty, I would SUUURE like to buy these *hint hint, Hasbro*
once out of his little cardboard prison and you've undone those pesky little plastic twist ties (Which I'm pretty sure didn't exist in the 70s* you're ready for some ADVENTURE!!
Now, I don't own a GI Joe that's actually from the 70s. *My budget wouldn't allow it* but from the photos and videos i've seen, this thing is pretty close to the original. His headsculpt is an excellent reproduction of the original although when comparing it to the photos of the original i've seen, this one looks a tad sleepy.
Okay, let's be honest. This is a reproduction of a toy made back in the 70s that mostly used the molds of a figure made in the 60s! So his articulation hasn't been revolutionary in toys since '64 when the very first GI Joe figures were produced and much more articulated toys have been made since *some in smaller scales* but that doesn't mean he lacks play value. They did something right here 'cause I can't stop playing with him.
GI Joe comes with a pistol *that looks awfully *James Bondish for a land adventurer. I would've given him a Revolver.* and a rarity for toys today...
A holster to put it in. OOOH! I'm serious here. I've seen very few toys made today that actually give kids a place to PUT the figure's weapon when he's not using it. Bravo on Hasbro's part.
Another thing that made the GI Joe adventurers unique from other toys even today is not just his "life-like hair and beard" which honestly, doesn't feel like the hair on your HEAD if you know what I mean ;p but how he holds his accessories.
Kung-Fu grip was introduced to GI Joe toys during the Adventure Team run and proved quite popular. It featured special rubbery hands and fingers that made it easier for Joe to hold his weapons and gear. So finally, GI Joe could actually HOLD that gun of his.
I don't think many toys today can hold their weapons THIS well. Here we are in the 21st century and I'm still wowed by toy technology made back in the 70s! As Goofy said once "Somethin' wrong here"
Here's a comparison shot of the only other repro Joe I own. (The Timeless Collection Secret Agent to be exact) and the first thing I noticed was that the Land Adventurer's skin seemed darker. Looks like the secret agent needs to get more sunshine.
All in all, this is an excellent figure. If I a guy who was born a good 6 years after the Adventure Team's heyday can get this much of a kick out of this toy, than someone actually FROM the Adventure Team era is going to absolutely love it. (They must too, I hear the toys are sold out in Hot Topic stores and Hasbro plans to make more for Wal-Mart next)
So, this is your friendly neighborhood toy collector saying Good adventuring!
Oh, and after his long trip from Hot Topic, GI Joe decided to take a trip to his favorite part of Disney World