These are the ones I got. The Helmsman, the Captain, and the Pillager. They made several others, but were sadly not at any of the stores when I got there. Here is how they were packaged. Sure, the packaging is different and bound to be noticed, but the crossbones on the side make them awfully bulky and take up more space in shelves and in shopping bags than needed. Once I got home from our trip, I was sure to tear these suckers out of their bulky little prisons.
All the figures come with a display base that is based on the scene they appear in on the ride. Yes children, long before Barbossa came into the ride, the ship was captained by this generic pirate known as... The Captain.
The figures also have decent articulation. More than I was expecting. The only one with the least bit of articulation issue came from the Captain and his long hair. This made it difficult to turn his head.
The only bad seed in this haul I would have to sadly say is the Helmsman. It's a pitty to. He looks awesome in the ride, is one of the most memorable figures in the ride, and looks pretty cool as an action figure, but he had the most problems of the three. First off, he had issues holding ANY of his accessories and keeping them held, and while the other figures had no problems with their bases, his was a wee bit flimsy. You have to attach the helm to the base and it sometimes comes off easily. But these were minor issues to be honest and it still displays great as you can see from this picture.
Did I mention that these have a LOT of accessories to play with? The Captain alone comes with his base, a sword, two pistols, a lantern, and a mug. The skeletons each have two swords, a rifle, a pistol, a dagger, and the Helsmman comes with an anchor. This does make it difficult to keep track of the accesories and years from now will probably lead to these figures with all of them costing big bucks.
Their price range is in $10 which alone I find very reasonable for everything you get. Especially considering you're buying these at Disney World, where soda is 2.50 a bottle and t-shirts are 40 bucks!! but I got the Captain and the Pillager half off. If ten bucks is reasonable, FIVE bucks is a steal!
All in all, these are excellent figures. If you're a Disney fan, a Pirates of the Caribbean fan, a general fan of pirate junk, and/or an action figure collector, I think you'll definitely enjoy these figures. Now excuse me while I go find the rest of these figures. (TO EBAY!!)