I've rather recently become a major Sally fan. I'd even go so far to say that I've got mondo crush on Sally. (It wouldn't be my FIRST furry crush) To those who don't know, Sally Acorn is a character in an early Sonic the Hedgehog cartoon series most known as "SATAM" (SAT meaning Saturday and AM meaning morning. Get it?) She also currently appears in Archies's "Sonic the Hedgehog" comic series. As a Sally fan, I've discovered it's hard being a Sally fan because whenever you look up anything for her, you find FAAAAARR too many sites and clubs dedicated to hating her and doing all sorts of horrible things to her. Now, I'm not saying everyone's entitled to MY opinion. You have the right to hate a character if you want. But if you're going to hate a character, I'd be nice to have a vital reason to, but all there reasons for hating her are S.T.U.P.I.D STUPID! I decided to actually look at these sites and point out...
10. "Sally is naked, unlike any of the other females in the Sonic series. Because of this, all females are SUPPOSED to wear clothing and any female who doesn't is a naked slut, since that's indecent"
apparently, there's an unwritten law stating that male furries can wear as little as they wish, (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, ect.) but if a FEMALE furry wants to run around in nothing but shoes, suddenly she's labeled as a "Slut." PS. Rouge wears clothes and SHE looks more like WAY a slut then Sally Does. I don't think she IS a slut, just that she's dressed more like one than Sally. This make sense to anyone else? Plus, Sally's got no nipples, and no "girly parts" either. She's JUST as "partless" as Sonic so she has just as much no reason to wear clothes than him. I found one person on a DA club who said "She wears nothing when she has a bigger bust then everyone" I always thought Bunny had the bigger bust, and SHE'S got 'em covered. Plus, in the cartoon, Sally barely has a bust at all. I think it's just an unwritten law that comic book women must have "D" cup breasts.
Frankly, I think most of the people who complain about this are women jealous that Sally can get away in nothing but boots and a vest, and they can't. ;)
9. "Sally isn't THAT smart! She needed Nicole to figure everything out for her!"
Name me ONE person in today's day and age that could last five minutes without their computer, PDA, or Cell phone? I know I couldn't.
8. she believes everyone loves her
Um, no. THAT would be Sonic
7. she is VERY selfish. She wants Sonic to be with her and ONLY with her.She can't understand why Sonic doesn't want to be locked up.
I know someone else like that. She's pink, she's a hedgehog, and she carries a mallet. That's right. It's AMY! I don't hate Amy, but Sally never cornered Sonic and said "There's no way out of marrying me!" *Sonic hero's* There's only one time I'm aware of that Sally wanted Sonic "locked up." In the comic, she DID make Sonic choose between her, or his job. She gave Sonic more choice than Amy ever does, who's basic approach is it corner Sonic and force him to marry her.
6. "Sally is a two-timing whore"
apparently, even while Sally and Sonic were dating in the comic, she flirted with other men. GASP! Let's not forget who stole his best friend's love from him, KNOWING that his best friend was in love with her. That's right. It was Sonic. He got together with Fiona. The girl Tails was in love with and Sonic KNEW Tails was in love with. Now who's the two-timing whore?
5. "Sally is mean, rude, and sarcastic. Therefore she is a stupid bitch and deserves to die"
Heaven forbid there be a woman in a super hero series that ISN'T the mindless "Damsel in distress" and actually have a personality and Heaven forbid there actually ISN'T a female character that doesn't treat Sonic like he's made of glass. He's big-headed enough without another girl practically worshipping him.
4. >"Sally can't be with sonic because sonicxsomeone rulz!!!!!1111one I hate sally because she ish wrong for sonikku!!!! someone and Sonic 4evar!!!"
There's a difference between hating someone and thinking they don't belong with someone else.
3. "Sally has the most annoying voice ever! She should still be killed so we never have to listen to it again!"
You kidding? She's the only one in that entire show that sounds NORMAL! Her voice actress Kath Soucie played her without changing her voice. Unlike the rest of the cast.
2. "Sally is the colour of poo! Therefore she is the worst character created in the history of EVER!"
Um, she's the same color as MOST animals in the world. How's this a reason to hate her? Can't stand the idea of a fur character not in some bright, unnatural color?
"Amy is the colour of genital warts, Mina is the colour of pee, Rouge is the colour of a KKK member, Sonic is the colour of a frostbitten nipple, and Shadow is the colour of a severed penis! Take that!" ~Shakeityousexything
and the number one reason to hate Sally... *drum roll"
1. My friend hates Sally, and I've never had any reason to EVER doubt them! So Sally MUST suck!
THERE'S a good reason. Hate someone you've never even seen just because your friend hates them. I suppose next if your friend turned out to REALLY hate black people, you'd have to hate them too, right?
"Yuji Naka didnÂt make Sally! So that means sheÂs unofficial, and doesnÂt even count!"
Amy isn't either. She was taken from a weird Manga. In fact, NONE of the characters are "official". He just made the games themselves. Not in charge of the actual characters.
Sally slapped Sonic
This is actually a major reason people hate her and frankly, it's also one of the lamest. She doesn't actually have many people she truly loves. Sonic is one of the few and she's nearly lost him quite a few times. So when he chose to fight Robotnik instead of being with her, she got got short with him. I'll admit, slapping him and calling him "Selfish" was a little short, but she almost lost him to being "reckless?" and there he went being "reckless" again. Wouldn't YOU be a little short with him? Plus, sometimes, he needs to be slapped.
My thoughts on Sally and how she actTheyhey say you can't truly judge a person until you walk a mile in their shoes. Such is true about Sally as well. Let's take a look at her life.
Her world collapsed at the tender age of five.
She held the responsibilities of being rebel leader on top of the usuresponsibilitiestes of being a princess. LOTS of baggage there. This doesn't even count the number of times she's kicked herself and cried over people in her team getting Robotocized due to her planning. I've seen her cry over this and people have tGaulaul to say she's "selfish?"
Sally obviously carria lotlot of mental baggage on her shoulders. Something that's bound to make a person do things she proboly shouldn't, such as slap Sonic, get really bitchy and mean, and frankly, it's a poor judge of character to think someone that's been through what SHE has should still be your image of a perfect person. We're lucky she hasn't climbed a tower and started sniper shooting everyone.
My rant is done. My last thought of the day, "Think before you hate"
Not only do you make PERFECT sense in this rant, you also have the right outlook on life. I believe that Sally is like a Commanding Officer (CO). If a CO isn't strict, then your forces would fall into complete chaos, correct?
I personally find it funny that the person who gave the reason to hate Sally because of her computer, Nicole, posted that reason via computer. Ironic, no?
You said you don't hate Amy but I think it's clear as day you do, and Sonic, and any of the other official characters. This is a foolish rant, all the anti-Sally people have suffered through these rants time and time again. Let's not forget we're supposed to be allowed to have our own opinion, but apparently our opinion has to be bashed every second it is there. Yes those are stupid reasons to hate a character, but that's what you get when angry Hate everyone that hates Sally people strangle people who don't like her for their first little bit of why they hate Sally. Every first bit, usually sucks because why? They say it to get people off their ass. Why not? It works. There wouldn't be so many people if they just left it down to this kind of simple talk:
"Do you like Sally?"
"Why not?"
"Just don't."
Wouldn't that be heaven?! If people could just accept!
Btw Amy doesn't force Sonic to marry her, they both still appear to be single. It's just their little, on that end sequence of Sonic Heroes where she goes chasing him before Metal shows up, he's smiling, he likes it, it's a chase.
Btw anyone who can't live without a computer - STUPID. Other than medical machines and whatnot, there should be no reason to rely on a computer for all your ideas.
The End.
OMG! leik ill just make up the 10 dumbest reason and pretend that anti sally fans made them @_@
lol Most people will hate her because YES she flirts and YES she runs around naked
Frankly i find it insulting that a female runs around and flirts with Griff, Geoffrey, Knuckles HMM! and sonic has flirted with? Fiona maybe a litte? lol (all the other flirting was actually Anti-Sonic so dont even bother trying to tell me otherwise)
OH A VEST TOTALLY COVERS MY BOOBS @_@ If she was the way she used to be (A Cup please) then i would appreciate her more.
She is very very selfish. Yes Sonic was supposedly OH SO MEAN and she missed him oh so so so much D: poor baby. Theyre not even married or anything. Funny how she never missed him any other time when he was risking his life to save her @-@
THANKS FOR BEING AN AMY HATER. I'm not sure where your amy came from but i never saw her shoving sally or elise out of sonics arms >< YES she got angry at sonic for attacking at herself and eggman. boohoo. you must have been so hurt by that.
Sally is very stupid. SatAM and Archie. She does need nicole for everything yet no one else needs a little pda @.@! Surprise surprise!
Thanks for being a total retard.
I have to agree on your defense. I KNOW right from the beginning Sally was NEVER anything how she was portrayed in the 1993 Saturday Morning cartoon.
If she was anything like everyone says she is, then she would've had the show canceled after the first few episodes. Thank goodness it wasn't. Also to me, she is one of the few well-developed characters in the Sonic universe (Shadow is among the only few).
I have & currently still am waiting for the right opportunity for Sally to be a playable character in an official Sonic game. I mean I have argued with another Sonic/Sally fan that if she was in the games, she would probably be very cool to play, like Tails.
100% accurate. Most anti-Sally fans have no real reason for not liking her. They're irrational. Sally is likable, whereas Amy is actually annoying. It's a backward fan-world we live in.
"Let's not forget we're supposed to be allowed to have our own opinion, but apparently our opinion has to be bashed every second it is there."
But hating for stupid-ass reasons is idiotic and makes you look foolish. Now, who's the dumbass? I believe that would be you.
"Yes those are stupid reasons to hate a character, but that's what you get when angry"
Uhhh...no. Some people actually have valid reasons for hating characters. For example, Amy's practically written like a stalker. THAT is a valid reason to dislike Amy, but thankfully, the Amy in the comics is tamer than the Amy in the games.
"everyone that hates Sally people strangle people who don't like her for their first little bit of why they hate Sally. Every first bit, usually sucks because why? They say it to get people off their ass. Why not? It works."
But hating is stupid. You shouldn't hate a character just because they're officially with a character you want another character to be with. That's being a biased moron.
"There wouldn't be so many people if they just left it down to this kind of simple talk:
"Do you like Sally?"
"Why not?"
"Just don't."
Wouldn't that be heaven?! If people could just accept!"
But there has to be reasons why you hate. If you have no valid reason, then you have no clout to say jack, because hating with no reason is stupid and idiotic.
"Btw Amy doesn't force Sonic to marry her, they both still appear to be single."
And why is that? Naka said it himself before he left: Sonic will NEVER get with Amy.
"It's just their little, on that end sequence of Sonic Heroes where she goes chasing him before Metal shows up, he's smiling, he likes it, it's a chase."
Actually, writers just did that to appease fans. The problem? This scenerio doesn't work in the American canon where--in the comics where both ladies exist--he still is love with Sally and will remain as such, regardless of what Amy or her fans think.
"Btw anyone who can't live without a computer - STUPID. Other than medical machines and whatnot, there should be no reason to rely on a computer for all your ideas.
The End."
Sounds hypocritical to me. You attack those who live without a computer (namely many grandparents or even some parents) and yet, in the next line, you say that you shouldn't rely on a computer for all your ideas when most young people these days wouldn't be caught dead without a technological device.
"Frankly i find it insulting that a female runs around and flirts with Griff, Geoffrey, Knuckles HMM! and sonic has flirted with? Fiona maybe a litte? lol (all the other flirting was actually Anti-Sonic so dont even bother trying to tell me otherwise)"
Sonic has been paired with everyone under the sun in both comic and game universes, so don't tell classic Sonic fans--who've been around longer--what you know when you know practically nothing by comparison.
"OH A VEST TOTALLY COVERS MY BOOBS @_@ If she was the way she used to be (A Cup please) then i would appreciate her more."
Uhhh...dude? Recall that numerous female anthros have gone without appropriate clothing (Minnie Mouse [black & white days] and Dot Warner [who is younger than Wakko, who is seven], just to name two) and to say that guys can streak whilst girls cannot is sexist.
"She is very very selfish. Yes Sonic was supposedly OH SO MEAN and she missed him oh so so so much D: poor baby."
She was in love. When you're in love, you expect certain things from your significant other, such as keeping commitments. It was Sonic who broke his commitment with Sally while knowing Sally was in a feeble mental and physical state. Yeah, I am not saying Sally acted right, because she didn't, but who in their right mind does act rationally when blinded by love (despite being rescricted by rules and regulations)?
"Theyre not even married or anything."
Sonic himself volunteered to be her royal consort. If you don't know what that term means, let me spell it out. A royal consort is someone who rules alongside their significant other in a position of high status. In short, Sonic DID basically step up to be Sally's future husband, and he broke that bond in a time when Sally needed him most.
"Funny how she never missed him any other time when he was risking his life to save her @-@"
Watch SatAM. In two episodes where Sonic is out on a mission against Robotnik, Sally outright worries. In the pilot--Heads or Tails--she says clearly, "Now, I am worried about him (Sonic) and Tails". Then, in Super Sonic, when Sonic goes to Lazar's lair, Sally worries again, which causes her to give Rotor and Bunnie the wrong tools they need, to which Bunnie replies, "My Sally-girl, your mind is anywhere but [here]" and Sally responds, "It's just Sonic...if he wakes Lazar". These episodes show clearly that she fears for Sonic's safety, because of how reckless he can be.
email me sometime dude this rant is awesome and all so true
Amiable post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you for your information.
Opulently I acquiesce in but I think the collection should have more info then it has.
Sally looks more like a random cartoon character rather than a real cartoon character.
That's why i don't like her very much (i don't really hate)
All of these reasons make perfect sense. I am a big Sally fan, too, and there is nothing wrong with her. And this article took words right out of my mouth that I wanted to say.
Also, in SATAM, parents COMPLAINED about a "nude squirrel on the show". I mean, there's nothing there! and besides, do animals have to wear clothes??? no!
Nice work!
All of these reasons make perfect sense. I am a big Sally fan, too, and there is nothing wrong with her. And this article took words right out of my mouth that I wanted to say.
Also, in SATAM, parents COMPLAINED about a "nude squirrel on the show". I mean, there's nothing there! and besides, do animals have to wear clothes??? no!
Nice work!
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Read issues 132-134 to find out why
I just love it how most people drag Amy into the conversation, and are hypocritical. YOU DON'T NEED to compare Sally to another character negatively solely to bring up her own merits! This is the reason why most people hate her as is.
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