With great superhero movies, come great movie tie-ins. Well, not great as in good, great as in large size. Superman is no exception. Though unlike The Hulk, Supes had the decency to wait to release his hordes of toys on at least the same month as his movie arrived. Sadly though, many of these toys arn't very good. They're very gimmicky, and are most likely to really intrest a kid for about, 30 minutes until he/she gets bored with them. But there are a few exceptions. There ARE some diamonds in the rocks. And this is one of them. Ultimate powers Superman.
There he is in his box. They promise 15 phrases, and sound effects and even motion senses. Like this, he's only useful to those that intend to sell him some time later. Since I have no intention of doing this, let's rip 'im out!
Unfortunatly, because Mattel decided he should have spring loaded features. full poseability is not an option here. Recognize the quote? Yeah, his action features and size remind me of Timmy Turner's talking Crimson Chin figure with his "Chintastic phrases"
His phrases include such riviting words as "I'm Superman." "I'm the man of steel." "Kryptonite" "I'm needed in Metropolis" "The Daily Planet's in trouble." "Trouble" "Lex Luthor is behind this" "Got ya" and "To the Daily Planet"
Superman has three switches on his back. When first open, he is set to "Try me" mode which by pressing his big red "S", gives you a phrase, some sound effects, his eyes lighting up, and a demonstration of his motion sensory by telling you that he's "turning left" or "turning right." If you turn him the right way, he'll say "Good Job." Turn him the wrong way or do nothing, he'll just say "Crime doesn't pay." Because the last thing we need is children crying because Superman said "ASSHOLE! I SAID LEFT!"
fliping the switch to the center turns him off and gives parents a chance for some peace and quiet. Flipping the switch to the top puts us in "play" mode. This is where the REAL fun begins. First, the moment you flip the switch, you are greeted with his classic "up, up, and away!" follwed by some wooshing air sounds. Thus being in "flight mode" now. Swinging him around will make the wooshes change as if he's changing direction. When he lands on the ground, he'll actually make a landing sound and the wooshing will stop. By pushing the "S" on his belt, will put him into "battle mode" This is the REALLY fun mode. Here, you press the button on his side and swing him just a bit. Then you get various punching sounds and an occasonially one of his phrases. He has a button on his back which lights up his eyes and makes heat vision sounds. But don't take my word for all this. Take a look at this video.
Finally, the toy is well sculpted. I don't think my camera could show it, but when you look closely, you can see Superman's suit has stich like things, his boots have zippers, and has little sheild shapes in the "S".
As you can see from this titanic battle with Cobra's Battle Android trooper, Superman stands well with other 12" scale figures.
Now he's gonna open some whoopass on Dr. X. I guess ONE bald evil genius isn't enough for him.
Do I have any gripes about the toy? A few. One, it's not very poseable. He's always in that flying positions. The sensor thing doesn't ALWAYS activate in fighting mode, and finally, this isn't a gripe. More like an observation. Superman looks AWFULLY skinny on the box art.
It's a good toy though. Worth thee 25 bucks at Wal-Mart. Or even the 30-35 I think it was at KB. It's kept ME occupied for quite a while, and if it can do THAT than i'm sure YOUR child will be amused by it.
1 comment:
Great photos. I liked the video a lot. Thanks for the review!
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